Friday, October 26, 2007

Man It's Been A While

So, I said yes and fell in love. You know, with S. He's like the India.Arie song "Beautiful Surprise." When I first met him, I was hell bent on getting him out of my life. I was afraid he was going to stop my flow of meeting other guys. When I told one of my guy friends this, he reminded me to not let go of something GREAT just because I wanna play the field or see what's out there. So, I let my heart go, and I found him. He's awesome. He cares for me. He's there for me when I need him. Compliments me completely. Meets me where I end. I love him. It's crazy because it has only been 5 months since we start dating, but I've falling for him quicker that I have with any other guy. I'm excited where things are going to go.

Since I'm not going home for Thanksgiving Break, he has invited me over to his family house. So, I'm going to meet the rents in a few weeks. I'm excited! Not sure what to wear. Not sure what to bring. I am sure that I will be on my best behavior. I want his family to love me. He is very close to his parents and siblings, so them liking me means a lot. I wonder if they'll have a problem with me being American?

I'll try to update more reguarly....even though no one reads these things!