Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Valentine's Day

This was the first time in a long time that I've had a Valentine.

I must admit, Valentine's Day is a little overrated.

Me and S decided to stay in and have dinner at home. He cooked a traditional Congolese meal and I made dessert. I whipped up some chocolate cupcakes and made my own vanilla frosting! We exchanged cards and little gifts we gotten each other and ate our food. We shared some loving, than it became late and we both had to be at work the next day so we went to bed.

As a single woman I yearned for a Valentine, but now that I have one I see why those with Valentines always said it is not that serious. For some girls, especially those in bootleg relationships who need Valentine's Day to feel like their partner loves or cares about them, it is important. However, for others, who are in committed and loving relationships, love is something that is shared everyday and February 14 is just another day.